Discover our different investment services
If you intend to invest money to obtain significant returns, investing in Belize is a safe & fitting choice.
Belize is a fast-growing country; your real estate investments will grow quicker than most developed countries.
Excellent offers are continuously on the market if you know where to look!
Investment strategy
We assist our clients from conception to closing.
CAI accompanies you completely by establishing a tailor-made investment strategy according to your objectives and budget:
If you have a specific project in mind, we will study wherein Belize you can be the most successful and advise you.
If you only have a budget and vague objective, we can assist you in creating a complete strategy. Then, based on your feedback, we will discuss your ideas and suggest what we believe fits you best.
We deliver you a personalized presentation grouping the best opportunities found for you.
With CAI, you know the ins and out before purchasing, and we avoid costly mistakes and unpleasant after-purchase dismay that can happen when purchasing without someone to represent you.
We have built long-standing relationships with our clients and collude in other investments with most.
Dynamic and looking for challenges. Our priority is to get you an immediate return on investment by buying below market.
Buyer agent
CAI will represent you whether you want to buy off-market properties from our tailor-made investment strategy or in the REAL ESTATE listings.
Do you have a specific property in mind? In that case, we represent you and negotiate directly with the owners when no agency is involved & with Real Estate firms when the product is already listed.
CAI will assist you in finding your dream. We will ensure you obtain the best deals.
We recommend:
For a retirement project, quick expatriation, or direct rental investment: Turnkey product/ Preconstruction plan/ Completed condo.
For longer-term investment: empty lands to develop or subdivide. Keep in mind that you must be here during construction.
For pure investment without management: check CAREO or MUTULAND.
“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.”

How does it work?
CAREO is taking care of everything!
- Define your goals & objectives
- Establish a strategy
- Hunt for your property
- If property under contract
We contact the agency on your behalf while representing and negotiating for you.
- If unknown owner
We conduct research in pursuit of finding the owner and submit an offer.
Verifying all the contracts
Intermediary, interlocutor, and interpreter with the notary/lawyer for the sales agreement and transfer papers.
CAI will also connect you to any other professional needed and give you a list of trusted companies